Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Back to the same ol thing

School's back which means my view is now typically looking like this ------>

So not excited to be back staring at my homework, and yes I say staring at it because I've decided I stare at my math more than I do it. Why is it so hard all of a sudden? My guesses are on senioritis. 

On the other hand though I am definitely excited to be back in school because the sooner school gets going the sooner I AM DONE!! May 22nd can not come fast enough. It's weird being in your last quarter of high school because you realize just how poor you are and that living in the real world requires lots of $$$!! I need to be in the top 15% of my graduating class to get MCC for free and right now I'm in the top 17% so hopefully I knock out some of the competition because free schooling would just be so perfect. 

Three cheers for making through the first 3 days back after break!!

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