Monday, March 10, 2014

Oh hey look, it's Spring!

As I was putting shorts on this morning I realized something, it's SPRING!!! My most favorite time of the year. 

                                                     That means breath taking sunsets....
                                       And afternoons spent laying in the grass with little brothers...
One more school week until spring break. Oh man oh man I hope I make it. I keep repeating "Stay Positive. I can do this." then I repeat it 3 times more in my head when walking the walls of Red Mountain High School. (I've had senior-itis since August) This week is going to be busy, busy, busy! But hey it will make it go by speedy quick! 

                     Reason #54768973 I can't wait to graduate:
I won't have to constantly look at polka dotted sidewalks "creatively made" by crazed teens who don't know how to spit their gum into trash cans.

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