Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fly with meeee!

Yet another reason why I love Spring -------> PROM SEASON

Cardon is one sweet guy and asked me to prom. Shocker, I know ;) He left a poster saying "Fly Away with me to Prom?" on my doorstep with a balloon string tied to a bag of star-bursts at the front of the walkway up to my house. Literally I think the balloon with his name on it went into my backyard the string was so long and high. It took forever to pull it down.
That string looks A LOT longer in person.
I'm one lucky girl and get to go to TWO proms since Cardon goes to Mountain View, which so happens to be my rival school. (Mountain View's prom theme is "fly away with me" because it's at Falcon Field.) I am soooo excited, and I already got a girl to loan me a dress so I am set! Now I just have the long wait until May! Prom 2014 here I come!!

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