Friday, March 21, 2014

Peace out Online Class

In my last post on here I said I was almost done with my online class..well guess what?! I am currently drinking this ------>
(Chocolate milk and whip cream. Current addiction)

Which means I am DONE!!! I am FINALLY DONEEE!!!!!! I am going to graduate from high school after all! ;) Without my Mom constantly reminding me to do it I most likely would have never finished it. This class wasn't so bad though, I mean my text book was pretty awesome.
Yeah, this was my text book. Cool, right?
However, I've never been a fan of school work especially online school work so it's a miracle I am done! This book was actually really good because it had quotes like "You can choose which water slide you want to go down, but once you've started sliding you can't very well stop" or "Your tears are a testament of just how deeply you love" and even "Unexpressed feeling never die, they are buried alive and come fourth later in uglier ways". I'm a sucker for good quotes. 
However, now that I am done with this class I see a lot of this in my future...

For the next 2 days of spring break you'll find me in the position above. Adios online class, you won't be missed!

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