Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My BFF Jack

           One year ago today, I said goodbye to this cute face.
 It's weird to me that he has been gone for a whole year now. I still randomly think he's going to be on the other side of the door waiting for me as I jiggle my key to unlock the front door. It's been a weird adjustment to get ready for bed in the bathroom all by myself without having to step over a dog. Whenever I was sad or mad at the world I would tell him all about it. Jack always made me feel safe inside. I still cry when I think of the first time I had to be home alone without him. I felt vulnerable like anyone would break in at any second. That's something I never thought of when he was around. I can't wait to see him in heaven and thank him for being my big, scary guard dog. His bark was ferocious, his bite not so much. That did the job though.
  Jack was the best dog for the best 11 years. He wasn't our dog he was our "house cat". I don't think he liked me much because I was always in his face and playing with his cute, wet noise. But oh boy do I love him. Now I always want to go on a walk, but I don't have him to go with me. We would take him on a walk everyday, or rather he would take us on a walk. I don't think anyone ever held his leash, he did that himself. I wish I could seem him running down the street with his leash hanging out of his mouth right now. One time my sister and I even tried to re-name him to Mack. That didn't last long though because he's our Jacky boy.
I can't wait to go to heaven and hug my dog Jack. 

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